Students studying in our college are abided by the following rules and regulations.
- The academic session of the college is from 1st June to 31st May.
- The date of commencement of lectures of different classes is notified separately.
- Before a student is admitted to the college, he/she and his/her guardian has to sign an undertaking in the proper form to the effect that the student will abide by the rules and regulations of the college and will conform to such standard of discipline as will be determined by the Principal.
- The student must register with the college office his or her address at which he/she lives. Any change in the home address must be intimated to the office in writing at once.
- All the grievances addressed to the Principal should be put in the box kept near the reading room and the clerk concerned will place the same before the grievance redressal committee. All applications will be disposed of at the earliest possible time.
- If any student desires to have an interview with the Principal, he/she can do so with permission. Students shall not see the Principal for routing matters. The matters are to be routed through the college office. They shall come to the Principal with special problems if any.
- Students who want to obtain leave of absence from the college must apply for that leave before they actually remain absent from the college. In special cases such as illness where it is not possible to obtain leave in advance, an application for grant of leave should be sent by post or submitted immediately after returning to the college. Long absence due to illness should be supported by medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner.
- Fees are received in the college office on the days fixed for collection. Students shall tender the exact amount of their dues and should stand in a queue while waiting near the counter for depositing their fees.
- When a match is to be played away from the head quarters, members of the team and other students who want to accompany the team must obtain prior leave of absence from the Principal.
- Continuous absence without an application for leave is serious breach of college discipline.
- Students shall abide by the above rules and regulations for a healthy atmosphere in the college. The violation of the rules shall be seriously dealt with.
- They must not spit on the walls, floor, pillars or doors of the college, Scribbling, pasting placards or poster or otherwise disfiguring college walls or black boards are strictly prohibited. Such students when identified shall be punished to the extent of removal from rolls.
- Students are forbidden to loiter in the corridors. When they have no classes to attend, can use the reference room or common room during leisure hours.
- Students are warned against tampering the light and fan switches and water taps and fittings.
- Students should take their seats before the teacher enters the class room and should not ordinarily leave their seats during the lecture hour.
- Students must at all places and particularly in the college or playground or while attending meetings, conduct themselves with a sense of decorum and dignity.
- Students are warned not to handle articles which are not their own property.
- Cycles must be properly locked and kept in the cycle shed provided for boys and girls separately.
- Students should have their identity cards with them during college hours, college functions and must produce them for verification on demand.
- Dress code:
For +3 Boys- Red White Check Shirt, Grey Pant.
For +3 Girls- Grey Salwar, Red-White kameez, Deep-Grey Dupatta.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited in the College as well as in all the hostels of the College.
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