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PARTICIPANTS LIST OF INTER COLLEGE SPORTS & CULTURAL COMPETITIONS 2024-25 - Participants list of Inter College Sports & Cultural Competitions 2024-25 VIKSHIT ODISHA@36 FOR VIKSHIT BHARAT@47 - Vikshit Odisha@2036 for Vikshit Bharat@2047 suggestions start for better Vikshit Odisha so I request to all the staff members & students give yours valuable suggestions for various fields in the vision.odisha.gov.in. STATE SCHOLARSHIP LAST DATE FOR APPLY: 12 DECEMBER - State Scholarship Last Date for Apply: 12 DECEMBER GODABARISHA VIDYARTHI PROTSAHANA YOJANA (LAPTOP DBT)-2024 - Godabarisha Vidyarthi Protsahana Yojana (LAPTOP DBT) Last date to apply : 28 Oct, 2024 Benefits: Scholarship amount : Rs. 30,000 Per year Target (no. of scholarship) : 15,000 Avail the scholarship only once in a year Applicant is eligible to apply & avail Godabarisha Vidyarthi Protsahana Yojana (LAPTOP DBT) in scholarship portal irrespective of applying/availing in any other department schemes. LAST DATE OF LABOUR CARD SCHOLARSHIP 2023-24 - Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana (Edn Astt) Last date to apply : 30 Sep, 2024 Benefits: Scholarship amount : Per year As Per Course Duration Target (no. of scholarship) : As per applications received Beneficiary is eligible to apply & avail education assistance under NSKY (Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana) in scholarship portal irrespective of applying/availing in any other department schemes. SANSKRIT SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2023-24 - SANSKRIT SCHOLARSHIP FOR 2023-24 FROM 10-07-2023 TO 27-10-2023 SCHOLARSHIP FRESH & RENEWAL FOR +2 & +3 - SCHOLARSHIP FRESH & RENEWAL FOR +2 & +3 STARTING FROM 5TH OCT-2023 +3 2ND SEMESTER RESULT-RAJENDRA UNIVERSITY - +3 2nd semester Result-Rajendra University AWARENESS ON CYBER CRIME - Never respond to any calls asking you to make payment or deposit money through UPI for your online admission through SAMS Portal. For this purpose college administration receive money only through Internet Banking and NEFT +3 1ST SEMESTER RAJENDRA UNIVERSITY-( 2020 ) RESULTS (ARTS & SCIENCE) DECLARED - +3 1st Semester Rajendra University-( 2020 ) Results (Arts & Science) declared SCHOLARSHIP FRESH & RENEWAL FOR +2 & +3 - Scholarship fresh & renewal for +2 & +3, Windows opening from 20th July 2022 to 15th September 20200 +3 COURSE MATERIALS BY DEPT. OF HE, GOVT. OF ODISHA, VTPUTKAL.ODISHA.GOV.IN - https://vtputkal.odisha.gov.in/ +3 COURSE MATERIALS BY DEPT. OF HE, GOVT. OF ODISHA, VTPUTKAL.ODISHA.GOV.IN - https://vtputkal.odisha.gov.in/ QUESTION PATTERN FOR UG END TERM EXAM 2020 - Question Pattern for UG End Term Exam 2020 50% OF ROSTER DUTY -NON-TEACHING STAFF - As per Govt.let.No. 17676//HE/ dt.16.04..2021 to control the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in the state, it the state, it is hereby informed to all the non- teaching staff that they are requested to do their (50) rotation roster duty w.e.f. dt. 19.04. 2021 till further order as per day given. 50% OF ROSTER DUTY -TEACHING STAFF - As per Govt.let.No. 17676//HE/ dt.16.04..2021 to control the spread of Covid-19 pandemic in the state, it the state, it is hereby informed to all the teaching staff that they are requested to do their (50) rotation roster duty w.e.f. dt. 19.04. 2021 till further order as per day given. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA LETTER-SUSPENSION OF EXAMINATIONS AND - As per the restrictions imposed by the State Government vide the above-referred orders to control the spread of Covid-19 Pandemic in the State, the following decisions have been taken by the State Government pertaining to all Higher Education Institutions of the State coming under the administrative control of Higher Education Department. 1. Examinations and Physical classes (theory as well as practical) shall be suspended with effect from 19.04.2021 (Monday). Revised examination schedule shall be communicated later on after consulting with Vice Chancellors and Principals. 2. Hostels shall be closed down and the boarders shall be asked to vacate the Hostels by 19.04.2021. 3. Classes shall be held in on-line mode to complete the syllabus in time. 4. All HEls shall function with 50% strength of teaching and non-teaching employees w.e.f. 19.04.2021. The Head of the HEI shall decide the rotational roster duty arrangement in such a manner that the office work and CAREER COUNSELING TRAINING....... - Career Counseling Meeting, Awareness & Training Programme CAREER COUNSELING AWARENESS - Career Counseling meeting with awareness programme for students ONLINE CLASSES - -‘‘Online Classes’’ are going on, for this students are directed to contact their respective teachers STAY AT HOME STAY SAFE - Stay At Home Stay Safe HEALTH TIPS TO PREVENT CORONA VIRUS (COVID-19) INFECTION - Wash your hands frequently, Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, Practice respiratory hygiene, maintain social distancing between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing. Be safe, Be Smart, Be careful, Be Alert, Be Kind, Be informed, Be Prepared and Be ready to fight COVID-19 STATUTORY DECLARATION UNDER SECTION 4(1) (B) OF THE RTI ACT, 2005 - Statutory Declaration under Section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005 BLOOD DONATION AWARENESS PROGRAMME - Blood Donation Awareness Programme 10 August 2019 SWACHHA BHARAT ABHIYAN - “come! And Pledge to keep India clean.,“, Ek kadam swachhata ki ore.”, “clean India beautiful India.”,